Factory correspondence adn other Bengali documents in the India office Library & Record Supplementary to F.F. Blumhardt's Catalogue of the Bengali & Assames MSS in the library of the Indian Office (1924)
Anisuzzaman x
Factory correspondence adn other Bengali documents in the India office Library & Record Supplementary to F.F. Blumhardt's Catalogue of the Bengali & Assames MSS in the library of the Indian Office (1924) - x - Lond. India Office Library & Records 1981 - iii, 300
India Office Library and Records - Catalogues Textile industry - Dacca (Bangladesh ) History - Soures - Biblio Graphy
Factory correspondence adn other Bengali documents in the India office Library & Record Supplementary to F.F. Blumhardt's Catalogue of the Bengali & Assames MSS in the library of the Indian Office (1924) - x - Lond. India Office Library & Records 1981 - iii, 300
India Office Library and Records - Catalogues Textile industry - Dacca (Bangladesh ) History - Soures - Biblio Graphy