Brachial plexus Anaesthesia (BPA) : A comparative study on supraclavicular subclvian perivascular technique (SSPT) with the axillary transartcrial Techinique (ATT) with a tourniquet
Harun-or-Rashid, Md. x
Brachial plexus Anaesthesia (BPA) : A comparative study on supraclavicular subclvian perivascular technique (SSPT) with the axillary transartcrial Techinique (ATT) with a tourniquet - x - Chittagong Author 2008 - Leaves :93
Anesthesiology Dissestations, Academic
Brachial plexus Anaesthesia (BPA) : A comparative study on supraclavicular subclvian perivascular technique (SSPT) with the axillary transartcrial Techinique (ATT) with a tourniquet - x - Chittagong Author 2008 - Leaves :93
Anesthesiology Dissestations, Academic